GRM Composite
Wood Sdn Bhd
indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor
Green Resources
Material Malaysia
indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor
indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor
indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor
Weathering Resistant
The ablility to withstand all weather
Water Resistant
Resistan to water
indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor
indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor
May be apllied as required
Insect Resistant
indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor
indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor
Environmental Friendly
No hazardous
Can be recycled after their use
indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor
indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor
Fire Resistant
Against ignition
Long life
indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor
Nail/Screw Fixing
Can be fixed with screws


indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor



indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor
indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor
Weathering Resistant
The ablility to withstand all weather
Water Resistant
Resistan to water
indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor
indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor
May be apllied as required
Insect Resistant
indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor
indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor
Environmental Friendly
No hazardous
Can be recycled after their use
indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor
indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor
Fire Resistant
Against ignition
Long life
indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor
Nail/Screw Fixing
Can be fixed with screws

indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor
indoor flooring compostie bio wood,composite wood fencing, bio wood fencing, composite timber fencing products manufacturer - Malaysia, Selangor, puchong fencing composite wood and fence bio wood ecofriendl, environmentally friendly products and bio wood fence material, wood products for house and home decor internal interior indoor

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GRM composite wood, composite bio wood, composite timber product - Composite Wood Malaysia, Selangor.